Dies ist die Übersicht der letztwöchigen Turniere:
Quilingo-Turnier beendet am 12/01/2020 16:00
1. | [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez (Elo 1696) | | 1. | [ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 1552) |
2. | [GoD] DoctorDeath (Elo 1632) | | 2. | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 0) |
3. | [ICE] CINAT (Elo 1586) | | 3. | [DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0) |
4. | [ICE] zuika (Elo 1562) | | 4. | [lss] les saints seya (Elo 0) |
5. | [ICE] tuttancãmon (Elo 1521) | | 5. | [Big] Best International Gamers (Elo 0) |
Die Artwork-Karte
Ungeschicklichkeit gewinnen: [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez, [Big] darcla, [ICE] tuttancãmon, [ICE] giuseppe92, [ICE] Vinsmoke
Die Artwork-Karte
Die Taschen voll gewinnen: [111] proyecto801, [Dra] bego39, zendark, migatte4, [SBR] Redav, [ICE] moonzelig, [ICE] unknownkiller9999, [NES] feuervogel, [Big] 30denari, [NOO] Guilherme_Santiago4149
Die Artwork-Karte
Haaaaaaaaaaase! gewinnen: [111] Dark-Ranza
Quilingo-Turnier beendet am 10/01/2020 10:00
1. | [GoD] DoctorDeath (Elo 1632) | | 1. | [ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 1510) |
2. | [ICE] zuika (Elo 1554) | | 2. | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 0) |
3. | [ICE] koshiken (Elo 1517) | | 3. | [GsG] Grandes Gerreros (Elo 0) |
4. | Vicont45 (Elo 1516) | | 4. | [lss] les saints seya (Elo 0) |
5. | [Tbd] Angelfcf (Elo 1514) | | 5. | [Big] Best International Gamers (Elo 0) |
Die Artwork-Karte
Die Taschen voll gewinnen: [GoD] DoctorDeath, Vicont45, [ICE] giuseppe92, [ICE] moonzelig, [ICE] CINAT, Zenitsu Zoldyck, Vincent_Doucette, [lss] equimus, [LLM] CapitaRed, [FCD] jfk
Die Artwork-Karte
Haaaaaaaaaaase! gewinnen: [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez
Die Artwork-Karte
Ungeschicklichkeit gewinnen: [RVO] thiagoxz1, The Xi, jrmy85, Azuriel, [Dra] bego39
Quilingo-Turnier beendet am 08/01/2020 04:00
1. | [GoD] DoctorDeath (Elo 1632) | | 1. | [ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 1525) |
2. | [ICE] CINAT (Elo 1559) | | 2. | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 0) |
3. | [ICE] tuttancãmon (Elo 1545) | | 3. | [GES] Geredan Scouts (Elo 0) |
4. | [ICE] zuika (Elo 1539) | | 4. | [DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0) |
5. | [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez (Elo 1535) | | 5. | [lss] les saints seya (Elo 0) |
Die Artwork-Karte
Die Taschen voll gewinnen: poomsif, [Kng] Havoc21, [ICE] tuttancãmon, [lss] fredneon, [RVO] thiagoxz1, 1zoa1, The Xi, [Big] 30denari, Siegfried, Vincent_Doucette
Die Artwork-Karte
Ungeschicklichkeit gewinnen: [chi] 天蝎雷神, [NES] feuervogel, [ICE] DarthMandrak, [lss] Soul Joe, [GES] Toni_Koldun
Die Artwork-Karte
Haaaaaaaaaaase! gewinnen: [Big] darcla
Amnezy-Turnier beendet am 12/01/2020 17:00
1. | [ICE] zuika (Elo 1667) | | 1. | [ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 1557) |
2. | [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez (Elo 1640) | | 2. | [lss] les saints seya (Elo 1510) |
3. | [GoD] DoctorDeath (Elo 1632) | | 3. | [LLM] La Legion del Mal (Elo 0) |
4. | [lss] Gaishi (Elo 1574) | | 4. | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 0) |
5. | [ICE] CINAT (Elo 1566) | | 5. | [jyi] clan stark (Elo 0) |
6. | [ICE] tuttancãmon (Elo 1527) | | 6. | [GsG] Grandes Gerreros (Elo 0) |
7. | THANOS (Elo 1520) | | 7. | [DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0) |
8. | [MAS] Illuyanka (Elo 1516) | | 8. | [lyz] los yakuza (Elo 0) |
9. | JohnnyCrash (Elo 1516) | | 9. | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 0) |
10. | [MAS] Phawk (Elo 1511) | | 10. | [Big] Best International Gamers (Elo 0) |
Die Artwork-Karte
Die Taschen voll gewinnen: [ICE] Telinho_Riquelmelopez, THANOS, JohnnyCrash, [BoG] Lunesombre, [NOO] King of the cards, [ICE] moonzelig, [NES] feuervogel, gfillippi, [lss] equimus, [LLM] CapitaRed, [LRG] mawe, [GES] Toni_Koldun, Azuriel, pixixo19, [Kng] Havoc21
Die Artwork-Karte
Ungeschicklichkeit gewinnen: [GoD] DoctorDeath, [ICE] tuttancãmon, [MAS] Illuyanka, [GES] Test123Test, [Dra] corumx, Febus, [CsT] Zurga, poomsif
Die Artwork-Karte
Haaaaaaaaaaase! gewinnen: [ICE] Sim_Massali, [Big] ShaOne
Ein grosses Bravo an all diese Gewinner!
Viel Spass bei den nächsten Turnieren!
Eredan iTCG, das Sammelkartenspiel.
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